• Human Resource Department
  • humanresource@um.edu.my

Counselling and Psychology

  • Individual/Group Counselling/Counselling and psychology programs
  • Rakan Pembimbing Perkhidmatan Awam (AKRAB) or Pembimbing Rakan Sekerja (Colleague Mentoring)
  • Career Counselling
  • Psychology Inventory
  • Staff Development Program

Takaful Ma’asyi Plan Group Universiti Malaya

Takaful Maasyi is an initiative of the University of Malaya to provide facilities and options to staff, especially those who do not have insurance/takaful coverage that is more competitive in terms of coverage and premium contributions compared to individual insurance/takaful offered in the open market

Assistance in Managing the Body and Funeral Transportation Fee

Assistance of RM3000.00 is given to the next of kin of officers or parties who manage the remains of officers who died in service or for any purpose related to the officer's death

Assistance in Managing the Body and Funeral Transportation Fee

The Social Welfare Organization (PERKESO) is a government agency established to administer and implement social security schemes under the Workers' Social Security Act 1969. This organization provides social security protection to employees and their dependents.

Two schemes available under PERKESO:

  1. Benefits under the Occupational Disaster Scheme are:

    • Medical Benefits

    • Temporary Disability Benefit

    • Permanent Disability Benefit

    • Regular Service Allowance

    • Dependent's Benefit

    • Physical or Vocational Rehabilitation Facilities

    • 'Return To Work' Program

    • Benefits of Mortuary Management

    • Educational Benefits

  2. Benefits listed under Invalidity Scheme are:

    • Invalidity Pension

    • Invalidity Grant

    • Constant Attendance Allowance

    • Survivors’ Pension

    • Funeral Benefit

    • Facilities for Physical or Vocational Rehabilitation and Dialysis

    • ‘Return to Work’ Program

    • Education Benefit

Zamalah Welfare Staff Universiti Malaya

Zamalah Welfare Staff Universiti Malaya is a welfare fund that provides financial assistance to staff who contribute and apply for assistance according to established rules and procedures.

Zamalah contibution rate:

Ex-Gratia Work Disaster Scheme

A scheme that provides compensation to civil service members who are affected by occupational accidents due to an accident while performing official duties or a service illness. 

For further details, please refer to: 

Division of Counselling and Disability Empowerment,

Human Resource Department 

Telephone No: 03-7967 3244 / 3322 / 2090 

Email : kaunseling@um.edu.my 

For more information regarding UM services and welfare, go to:

UMPortal > PTj Info > Jabatan Sumber Manusia (Human Resource Department) > Kaunseling & Kebajikan (Counseling & Welfare) | HERE

Last Update: 26/07/2023